For the last 10 years or so, I have always been able to go to Alvino Siva when I had a question regarding our culture: religion, customs, language and songs. Now that he's gone, I must admit I'm a bit lost. I think every Cahuilla person has felt that way when the previous generation starts to pass away.
When my dad passed, it took me a year to get my bearings and become the man that my family needed to carry on. Maybe that's why we traditionally take a year off to grieve. Not simply to heal, but to prepare to fill the void that death brings.
Please don't think that I'm saying I could ever replace Alvino, or Robert, or Biff. What I'm hoping is that we all will work to fill this void and to attempt to move our people in a healthy direction. Frankly, I'm tired of the pissing contests that say "I'm more traditional than you" or "I'm more Indian than you". I think it's harmful to our people and teaches destructive behavior to our youth. Ultimately, I know I can't change anyone but myself.
As for myself, I am sitting out for a year. No singing. No peon. It's the least I can do to show respect for my mentor. That's what I want to do. It's hard and I will miss it, but really meaningful things don't come easy. I will continue to look to my elders and try to do the right thing.
I think we should all recognize the elder singers from each rez and follow their lead. With respect comes responsibility and I'm confident that these men will rise to the challenge because that's what Cahuilla men do.
These are my thoughts and this is my prayer.